czwartek, 28 listopada 2013

Twilight (saga)

               Once in a while a book appears and it becomes an instant success almost anywhere it is published. People read it, queue to buy another part, filmmakers try to secure the rights to film it, and the author, from an unknown person, becomes a celebrity. That was, undoubtedly, a case with Twilight saga books.

I first heard about the books after seeing the movie (again). And I even didn't know what movie it was, but watched it but accident. I quite liked it (unlike the rest of the movies). It was an interesting love story with the usual dilemma (in this case: turn her or not) and quite good acting (unlike the rest of the movies). But, going back to the book.

After seeing the film and becoming interested in the story I naturally turned to the books (to audiobooks to be more specific). I would listen to the story almost all day and felt very unhappy when I had to stop to do something else. In fact I have listened to the books many times since the first time, and I will probably come back to it again in a while. I was gripped by the story and the characters. The more I read the more fascinating it became.

I liked that the author reveals details about the characters slowly. We first get to know Bella'sEdward's and Carlisle's stories. Later on Esme tells her tale fallowed by Emmett and Alice. In the third book we find out more about Jasper and Rosalie. They all come from different backgrounds, different times, they all had different dreams when their lives ended, and they deal with what they are in a different way.

But the vampires are just one part of the story and the second one is the Quileute tribe, who can transform into giant wolves. They protect humans from "the cold ones" and they want to protect Bella from turning into the enemy. Especially, Bella's best friend Jacob doesn't want her to change. Introducing the tribe into the story was a very nice move in terms of not losing readers' interest I think. We have a whole set of new characters, very misterious ones, who really exist. For me it was a lifesaver, because on some point you can get sick of Bella and Edward and their everlasting love. The Quileutes seem much more real and human, and some of the character are very funny :)

I liked the books because they speak about love, protection, friendship, keeping promises and trying to do your best with what you get.

I didn't like Bella's relationship with Edward because sometimes it was too intense and controling on his part. He was stifling and too protective in my oppinion. But apparently Bella liked it, so what can I do ;)

Book covers with titles

The additional book

czwartek, 21 listopada 2013

World War Z

               There is something fascinating about zombie movies. There have been so many of them already but we seem to be still into them nevertheless. I have recenlty seen "World War Z" directed by Marc Forster and I have to say that it was perfect in almost everything.

Firstly, the mind blowing special effects. Helicopter chases, car chases, explosions and off course thousands upon thousands of zombies, who/which would jump great hights, run and tumble like house of cards. The Israzel-wall scene portrays that perfectly.

Secondly, Brad Pitt. He never fails. I have seen almost all his movies and tere is no doubt in my mind, as I assume in many other people's minds, that he is a great actor. I don't think, however, that he was in a movie with that much action before. Sometimes in such movies the special effect and the acting kills the actor's skills. He/she seems to be invisible. That luckily didn't happen here :)

The only flaw, like in all action movies, is the fact that all the things that can go wrong - go wrong. And that the main character survives it all.

The things which I like most about such films is different, however. They make me wonder about our chances against diseases and epidemics. If such virus like the one in the movies springs somewhere in the world, how will we protect ourselves? Will we be able to survive and fight? 

We have used medicine and vaccines for so long that some of the viruses and bacterias mutated and became immune to them. We need new ones. But will they be developped before it is too late?

czwartek, 14 listopada 2013


               I would like to use those tiles in my kitchen. Just to put them in random places, between other tiles.

Before firing

After first firing

With some colors

After burning

czwartek, 7 listopada 2013

The Thursday Next series

               I have no idea how I found this author but I read the whole Thursday Next series in a few days. I'm now reading Shades of Grey and it is as great as ever.

                 Thursday Next is funny, fool of surprises, fool of references to other books which I read on some point and which I liked, fool of classic characters and some modern characters. How great it would be to travel into different books and meet the people who we like and love. And he makes it possible for us through the Thursday Next books :)

The author himself