czwartek, 26 lutego 2015

Leneliness part 2

              I thought about it sometimes in my BEFORE life. But only sometimes and mostly because of the first reason maybe or second the most. Never more than that. 

But since my BEFORE life was over I had to think about it all the time. Because there was nothing more for me to think about. Except that loneliness and emptiness in my life. Even now, so long after the old me died and the new one appeared it’s beyond my belief how a person can change so much in so little time. I never believed in changes. Of course there is a possibility to work on your flows if you want to badly. What are new year’s resolutions for and Mondays right? Monday is always a good day to start over. No one wants to do it in the middle of a week right. But anyway, I never believed that a person can change much. You can start new habits, new routines, stop smoking, swearing or eating too much if you wish but a permanent and deep change was in my view impossible. All the movies I saw with sudden change of heart were all stupid and not true to me.

And, hahahaha, as it often does happen to people like me, we get a life lesson which makes you reconsider a lot of stuff, you would take for granted in your life. In my case some of them were so drastic that I even had to get friendly with myself again, as a very, very new and different person.

czwartek, 19 lutego 2015

Dolores Claiborne

               Stephen King is a writer, who we don't have to introduce to anyone. I read some of his books (not all of them yet, but working on it) and my favorite one is Dolores Claiborne

               The book (written in first person) tells a story of Dolores Claiborne, who is being interrogated by the police in connection to the death of her rich employeer Vera Donovan. She tells the story of her life, her marriage to a violent man, her relationship with her daughter and her snob employeer (who turned out to be her best and only friend in the end). The narration feels like a transcription of the confession tape. We have no dialogies with the police officers but we know that they are there. We read the whole book transfixed by the narrator and her story. And there is also a twist at the end :)

              The movie with the same title was a great picture with beautiful performances from Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh. One of the not very many cases when the movie and the book are both great.

                 P.S. and the audiobook was awesome with a perfect reader: Frances Sternhagen.  

Movie poster

czwartek, 12 lutego 2015

Umeda Sky Building (梅田スカイビル), Osaka

               As I mentioned in one of the previous posts, Osaka is the city of bridges and water. However, one of the most recognizable views in Osaka is the Umeda Sky Building situated next to the Umeda train station, Kita-ku ward.

The building is simply spectacular. Umeda Sky Building actually consist of two 40story towers (173 m tall), which are connected near the top with a bridge and escalators. At the roof top there is The Floating Garden Observatory (but no clowers there) from which you can see the magnificant city. The walls are made of glass, so when you shoot upwards in an elevator and later in the escalator you can see everything. It's quite an experiance :). The building was erected in 1993 according to the project by Hiroshi Hara and built by the biggest construction (but also engineering and architecture) company in Japan - Takenaka Corporation. Hara is, among others, also responsible for designing the Kyōto Station. A very interesting and not at all train-station-like building.

View from the Umeda Sky Building is breathtaking. If the wether is nice you can see all the way pass the river. When I visited the sight it was raining and the wind was quite strong. However, I enjoyed it very, very much anyway.

Umeda Sky Building

Umeda Sky Building

The escalator

View from the top

JR tracks

View from the top

View from the top

Hankyu Department Store

Lovers deck

czwartek, 5 lutego 2015


               Why do we say: kill time?

We don't have enough time to do everything we want. Sometimes we don't have the opportunity either, but maybe if we try hard we can do at least a bit. But we don't often use all the time we are given to do anything. We decide to for example write a notebook, but after sometime we feel lazy and stop. We decide to write a blog and later we have trouble to keep into date ;). Why is that?

I wish I would use my time better because I know that I will never get the lost time back !!!